Sunday Jan 09, 2022

Ep 116 Sue’s Thoughts on Connection: Breaking the Chain of Loneliness

We just got through the holidays and they say that the holidays can be one of loneliest times of the year. We want to feel like we are part of a big, happy family that loves and accepts us just the way we are, but instead, we may feel lonely, no matter how many people are around us.
Mother Theresa said that the most terrible poverty in the world is loneliness, and she faced poverty every day.
Are you lonely? It can be hard to admit. Everyone is lonely some of the time. 
What can we do about it? Let me know in comments if you have some good ideas that help you when feeling lonely or that can be helpful to the world full of lonely people.
I remember when we first invited my friend, Suzanne for dinner. A single mom whose best friends had just moved away. She and her daughter Heather became part of our family from that time on.
Do you know a single person who could use an invitation? We are invited to God so that we can pass along His invitation. 



One simple way to break the chain of loneliness is to do simple hospitality. Join my series:

Hospitality By the Day

What to do Today to Host Guests in a Month.

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Sign up here and it will begin next Monday.

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