Monday Aug 07, 2023

Ep 197 A Legacy of Rest and Overflow with Sue Donaldson

The most important question about our road trip with God is this:

How in the world can I stay on this trip?

The answer is this: “You can’t. Not by yourself. You need God completely.”

And the only way to remember that is to spend time with Him—whether it’s in the car, in the shower, in your favorite chair, or on a walk. don’t expect to do the Christian life by yourself. It’s sure to fail, period.

You’re heard the expression "We need someone with skin on."  Our children, our families, our friends need God, but they need God with “skin on” and each of us needs to be Jesus to someone else; we need to be God’s HUG to one another.

However, before we can do that properly, we must first be experiencing God’s HUG for ourselves. In other words, before we can water others, we must make sure our bucket is full. I need constant refilling. We could do a whole study on what causes holes in our buckets.

Someone said, “Ministry is spillage.”

Helping others is a by-product of seeking God and finding our rest in Him. In other words, we don’t seek to help others first  - but that happens when we seek God.

Remember to take those Rest Stops:

  • Women are tired, period. We do too much, often, for too many people, with too little money, cooperation or sleep.
  • I need to figure out one of 3 things: do I delegate this job? Do I do things that energize me? Or, do I dump something?
  • Don’t expect to do the Christian life by yourself. It’s sure to fail, period.
  • Before we can water others, we must make sure our bucket is full.
  • When we are so full up of God ourselves, our ministry of love and exhortation and healing for others is simply the natural outcome.
  • The more we come to Him for rest, the more we understand how He Himself is our rest.
  • We come to Him because others are depending on us to be their rest as they travel on their journey.

One thing that I thought would be fun if we had the time is for each of us to share stories that began with the line: “I was so tired once that I . . .”  

Share in comments - would love to hear your "tired" stories, unless you're too tired, of course. 



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